BIM Niveau 1 : https://bimportal.scottishfuturestrust.org.uk/page/level-1
Level 1 BIM consists of managed CAD, with the increasing introduction of spatial coordination, standardised structures and formats as it moves towards Level 2 BIM. This may include 2D information and 3D information such as visualisations or concept development models. At this level of maturity there are separate sources of information that covers a range of asset information in semi-structured electronic documents. ‘File based’ collaboration is achieved through the use of a Common Data Environment (CDE). BS 7000-4:2013 Design management systems is also used at this level which provides guidance on management of the construction design process .
This is essentially a digital place in which all project in formation comes together (not simply drawings and models but also schedules and specifications). BIM Level 1 maturity is illustrated in the Bew-Richards “BIM Wedge” below and its requirement for "file based collaboration"
The CDE should be the foundation from which you facilitate, manage and disseminate data and project information between multi-disciplined teams in a managed process throughout the project lifecycle. With vast amounts of digital data being created and shared during a project’s lifecycle the CDE becomes an ideal environment in which to promote a collaborative working culture. Combining a collaborative process with enabling technology tools, the CDE brings about the opportunity to work from the most recent information or single source of truth, delivering production information right the first time.
At Level 1 BIM, not all project team members may be sharing models, and is therefore sometimes referred to as ‘Lonely BIM’. Getting into a collaborative working culture early will promote the concept of sharing model information between different project team members when moving to Level 2. Shared information reduces times and cost by providing coordinated data, while the project team can generate multiple documents or views from different combinations of the central model files.
The CDE could take the form of a project server, an extranet or a file-based retrieval system, but the thing to note is that it is digital and that it follows four distinct phases, which are Work in Progress (WIP); Shared; Published Documentation; and Archive and adheres to a particular naming, numbering and identification protocol. (Described in BS 1192).
The key BIM related standards for Level 1 BIM maturity are BS 1192:2007 + A2:2016: Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information. Code of practice and BS 7000-4:2013 Design management systems. Part 4. Guide to managing design in construction.
These standards are also the foundation for Level 2 BIM maturity.
BS 1192:2007 + A2:2016: Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information. Code of practice.
This standard helps ensure better information management and establishes the methodology for managing the production, distribution and quality of construction information, including that generated by CAD systems, using a disciplined process for collaboration and a specified naming policy.
BS 1192:2007 helps in the implementation of a structured collaborated environment and a standard structured compliant configuration.
The standard highlights that the following elements should be in place:
Roles and responsibilities should be agreed
Naming conventions should be adopted
Arrangements should be in place to create and maintain the project specific codes and project spatial co-ordination
A "Common Data Environment" (CDE) approach should be adopted to allow information to be shared between all members of the project team, for example a project extranet or electronic document management system.
A suitable information hierarchy should be agreed that supports the concepts of the CDE and the document repository
The establishment and effective management of the CDE is key to this standard. The standard advocates a standard folder structure to define ‘WIP’, ‘SHARED’, ‘CLIENT SHARED AREA’ and ‘PUBLISHED’ as illustrated in figure 1 from the BS below.
The CDE facilitates the exchange of information by creating a standard process for:
File sharing
File Management Procedure
Recording Input / Output
As more and more information is shared digitally, the use of structured, consistent and understandable naming conventions for information becomes vital The BS promotes the following naming of containers. Containers refer to a named persistent set of data within a file system or application data storage hierarchy.
The naming convention for files is broken down into the following code:
Field Obligation Description
Project Required Code for project
Originator Required Code for organisaiotn creating information.
Volume or system Required Code for system reference.
Levels and location Required Code to locate info (Floor 1 etc)
Type Required Code for type of file Cost Plan, method statement etc)
Role Required Code for role of organisation ( A - Architect etc)
Classification Optional Code to reference asset (Uniclass or equivalent)
Number Required Sequnetial file number
Suitability Meta-data Code for status of data (WIP, Shared, published etc)
Revision Meta- data Code for revisoin of data.
For example:-
The first part of the naming convention is the Project code, this needs to be from between two to six characters in length, in letters or numbers. The project code should already have been established in the Employers Information Requirements. All parties on the project must use the same project code and not adapt it for their own organisations.
The second part of the naming refers to the Originator of the information explicitly the organisation producing it. This code should be between unique and between three to six characters in letters or numbers.
The next two parts relate to spatial sub-division of the project starting with Volume or System with the use of 1 or 2 characters; ZZ is applied when all volumes are referred to. Next is Levels and Locations again made up of two characters as follows:
Summary of Levels & Locations
ZZ Multiple Levels
XX No Level Applicable
GF Ground Floor
00 Base Level of Building or linear Asset
Floor Levels
01 Floor 1
02 Floor 2, etc
Mezzanine Levels
M1 Mezzanine abovce Level 1
M2 Mezzanine above Level 2
Below Ground Floors
B1 Floor -1
B2 Floor -2
Next is Type which aids recognition, every container should contain a single type of information e.g. a drawing, location model, typical assembley or detail information. Standards codes for drawings, models and documents are shown below:
Summary Codes for Drawings & Models
AF Animation File
CM Combined Model
CR Specific for the clash process
DR 2d Drawing
M2 2D Model file
M3 3D Model file
MR Model rendition file for other renditions (themal analysis)
VS Visualisation
Codes for Documents
BQ Bills od Quantities
CA Calculations
CO Correspondence
CP Cost Plan
DB Database
FN File Note
HS Health & Safety
IE Information Exchange
MI Minutes/Action Notes
MS Method Statements
PP Presentation
RD Programme
RI Request for information
RP Report
SA Schedule of accomodation
SH Schedule
SN Snagging List
SP Specification
SU Survey
The next part of the name relates to the Role explicitly what the organisation does. On larger projects there might be several different companies working on the same discipline for example architect or engineer however the second portion of the naming convention, the company designation provides differentiation. The standard codes for roles are illustrated below.
Codes for disciplines & roles
A Architect
B Building Surveyor
C Civil Engineer
D Drainage, Highways Engineer
E Electrical Engineer
F Facilities Manager
G Geographical and Land Surveyor
H Heating & Ventilation Designer
I Interior Designer
K Client
L Landscape Architect
M Mechancial Engineer
P Public Health Engineer
Q Quantity Surveyor
S Structural Engineer
T Town and County Planner
W Contractor
X Sub-Contractor
Y Specialist Designer
Z General
The next part of the naming is Classification however this is an optional field. The classification field helps describe the asset represented using the chosen reference dictionary for exampe the lastest version of Uniclass.
Next is the sequential Number which should be used when a container is one of a series not distinguished by any other of the fields, this applies most often to files. The numbering for standard coding should be exactly four integer numeric digits, used sequentially. Leading zeros should be used.
The next part of the naming convention is the Suitability code which should be one or two characters given in Table 5 below.
Summary of codes for suitability
Status Description Graphical Non- Graphical Document
Work in Progress
SO Initiall Status of WIP Yes Yes Yes
Shared (Non-Contractual)
S1 Suitable for co-ordination Yes Yes Yes
S2 Suitable for Information Yes Yes Yes
S3 Suitable for review No Yes Yes
S4 Suitable for approval No Yes Yes
WIP to Publish
D1 Suitable for costing Yes Yes Yes
D2 Suitable for tender Yes Yes Yes
D3 Suitable for design Yes Yes Yes
D4 Suitable for manufacture Yes Yes Yes
Published Docs
A1,A2,A3 Approved/Accepted Yes Yes No
B1,B2,B3 Partial sign off Yes Yes No
The final part of the naming convention is the Revision code based upon table 15.3.3 below. With regards the last two codes in the naming convention Suitability and Revision, if information passes through an environment that cannot track meta-data then these optional can be omitted all together. Employers should consider developing automated file naming, suitability, naming, status and revision codes. Further information can be found at: Determine the Info Management / CDE Strategy
BS 7000-4:2013 Design management systems.
Part 4. Guide to managing design in construction.
BS 7000-4 gives guidance on management of the construction design process and applies to management of design activities throughout the life-cycle of a construction project, and the principles of the facilities management function. The latest revision provides the principles and a common reference for company and project protocols, which can also be used in reverse to check that the bases have been covered.
The latest version recognises that new technologies (in particular BIM) makes it more important than ever to operate a collaborative design process across the recognized design disciplines and incorporate economic and process considerations. This also increases the need for greater rigor in the management of that process and for the application of appropriate measures and techniques.
Since 1996, four key factors have influenced design management and this revision of BS 7000-4 updates the standard to acknowledge and reference them:
Collaborative working
The influence of new technologies
The effect of construction procurement
Roles and responsibilities
Key features of this standard include:
A framework for design management and includes: formation and management of the design team, responsibilities, establishing the brief, project planning, process planning, programming, classification, project communications and costs to the client/employer.
Design resource management and includes: staff resource, innovation and value management (VM), technical information, manual, CAD and BIM production, records management, and technical equipment, procuring design, surveying and other related services, extracting data requirements, intellectual property and copyright.
Design process management and includes: re-commission review, design brief, design stages, progress validation, design data control, design during construction, monitoring during construction, testing, completion, post occupancy and design management appraisal.
BS 8541-2:2011 Library objects for architecture,
engineering and construction.
BS 8541-2:2011 Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Recommended 2D symbols of building elements for use in building information modelling.
Guidance and recommendations for architectural and land registry symbols and graphic conventions for those preparing drawings. Symbols for mechanical, electrical and plumbing, structural steel sections and welding are deferred to the relevant institutes. This part of BS 8541 supersedes BS 1192-3:1987, which is withdrawn.